Don't Eat the Children…

…they don't go well with martinis.

My Dinner With a Celebrity August 3, 2010

I wrote this article this morning as a submission for a copywriting job. I had to write about a famous person who I would like to have dinner with. I have to say I am quite proud of it! I want to share it with you.

“Mmmm. That’s so good to my pie hole!”

The first time I witnessed Paula Deen in action, her quirky off-the-wall comments and southern drawl hooked me! Her food, the crispy fried chicken, buttery biscuits, and Savannah cheesecake, while not melting in my mouth, melted my heart.

Paula is my overwhelming choice to have dinner with. Truth is, I just want to be invited over for dinner at her house! But she would be there! Her southern hospitality and warm smile would make me feel right at home. I imagine an evening with concerns of calories, fat and carbs left outside, and laughter, indulgence, and fun accompanying me inside! I’m not sure who my hips would want me having dinner with, most likely not Paula. But in this alternate universe where I’m dining at the Deen home, my hips have no say.

Aside from cooking fabulous food and being wealthy and famous, I admire Paula on a personal level. She started her road to stardom humbly, selling brown-bag lunches door to door. Through her journey, she’s overcome divorce, depression, poverty and agoraphobia to become one of the most recognizable cooks on the planet. Not too bad for a woman who used to panic at the thought of leaving her house!

I’ll keep my fingers crossed that one day I cross paths with Paula. While we may never get to sit down and eat a meal together, maybe I’ll get to shake her hand and tell her how much her story has inspired me. In my mind every time I watch “Paula’s Home Cooking,” I get to know her a little better.

Paula… you had me at “pie hole.” I’ll be your dinner date anytime!

So….did I get the job?

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